A Fresh Home


How To Make a Home Smell Good


Scent is the first thing people notice when they enter a home. Style your home with fragrance.

With just a few simple tricks, you can make any home smell amazing in no time! Whether you use essential oils, boil some herbs on the stove, or cut up citrus fruit, these easy solutions will have your house smelling great without breaking the bank.



How To Make Your Home Smell Fresh

Making your home smell good can be a great way to create a pleasant atmosphere. There are lots of ways to do this, ranging from simple DIY tricks to store-bought scented items.


Natural air fresheners

One of the easiest ways to make a home smell great is to use natural air fresheners. Natural air fresheners like essential oils, herbs, and citrus fruits can help bring in a pleasant scent without any harsh chemicals. You can add some drops of your favourite essential oil to a diffuser, simmer some herbs on the stovetop, or cut up some citrus fruit and fill small bowls with them throughout your house. These simple tricks can help make your home smell amazing without having to buy expensive air fresheners.


Candles and Scented Sachets

Another great way to make your home smell nice is by using candles. Candles come in a variety of scents and can easily be used to fill your house with pleasant smells. Choose something that matches the season or just pick one of your favourite fragrances! If you're worried about the smoke, opt for soy or beeswax candles instead of paraffin wax ones. Scented sachets are also a great option as they provide just enough scent without being overwhelming or overpowering. Place them in drawers, under furniture, and around windowsills to help keep your space smelling fresh and inviting.


Baking soda

Baking soda is another effective tool for making a home smell good. Just sprinkle some baking soda on carpets and furniture, then vacuum it up after 30 minutes or so. The powder will absorb odours, leaving your home with a pleasant scent. Place some in a bowl near the source of the smell, or put it in an old sock and tie it to a doorknob.


Fresh Air

Open the windows and let in some fresh air. Getting some sunshine and fresh air can really help freshen up a space, and it only takes a few minutes to do. Opening your windows regularly will also give you an opportunity to clean away any dust that may be lingering around your house.


essential oils

If you don't want to use chemicals, essential oils are also great for making a home smell good. Put several drops on cotton balls and place them around each room, or add them to warm water and spray liberally! Essential oils can be used to make everything from potpourri to air fresheners, so explore how you can incorporate them into your cleaning routine.



Another way to make your home smell fresh is by regularly cleaning it. Dusting off shelves and vacuuming carpets will help remove any unwanted odours and keep the air smelling clean and crisp. You can also try making your own cleaning products with natural ingredients like white vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice. Not only are these items cheaper than store-bought cleaners, but they will leave your home smelling wonderful as well.


Find The Source

Finally, don't forget about taking care of any odours at the source – it's a key element for keeping a pleasant scent. If your kitchen tends to get smelly when cooking, try boiling some water with vinegar or citrus peels on the stovetop after you finish cooking. If your bathroom has a musty odour, use an all-natural cleaner with essential oils instead of harsh chemical cleaners. Taking care of the odours at their source can help keep your home smelling fresh and clean.

Nothing quite compares to the feeling of walking into a home with the sweet smell of cleanliness and freshness.


Elke Bretz