Contrast In Interior Design

contrast in design

The Principle Of Contrast In Interior Design


The principle of contrast is an essential element to add visual variety and create a cohesive and harmonious design.

Implementing contrast in interior design can make a big statement while also adding depth and texture to a space. Knowing what colours, shapes, textures and objects work together to form the perfect balance of light and dark can be daunting — but it doesn’t have to be! Keep reading for all the tips on how to successfully add contrast into your home décor splendour.



Why is contrast important in interior design?

When it comes to creating a captivating interior, the principle of contrast can make all the difference. Contrast can add depth and intrigue to your space by highlighting differences between various elements such as colour, texture, and shape. Whether it's pairing a bold accent wall with neutral furnishings or mixing and matching patterns and prints, contrast is a versatile tool that can be used to achieve a range of effects. It can be subtle or dramatic, depending on the desired look.

Contrast creates depth, emphasis, and visual interest that draws the eye and adds personality to your space. It can highlight focal points, accentuate architectural features, and create a flow through the space. Without contrast, a space can easily feel dull, missing the visual stimulation needed to make it a pleasant and stimulating environment.

Whether subtle or bold, using the principle of contrast is a powerful tool for crafting spaces that feel both cohesive and visually compelling whilst creating a sense of balance.


How do you create contrast?

Creating contrast can be a subtle yet effective way to infuse your space with personality and style. There are many ways to achieve contrast, from combining different textures and patterns to playing with light and dark tones. For example, pairing a sleek black lamp with a white rug or adding a pop of colour against a monochromatic backdrop are both great ways to make your space visually striking. By experimenting with different design elements, you can create a really eye-catching interior that reflects your personal taste and vision.

Let’s take a look at some ways how you can you create contrast in your very own space.



Contrast - Scale and Proportion

Utilising the principle of scale and proportion is one way to achieve contrast. Playing with different sizes and shapes of furniture and decor can create a sense of depth and dimension within your space. For example, pairing a large statement piece, such as an oversized lamp or artwork, with smaller complementary pieces can create a visual balance that keeps the eye moving. The use of scale and proportion can also help to create a focal point within a space, drawing attention to a particular area or object. Overall, incorporating scale into your design can certainly add a dynamic and interesting feel.


Contrast - round vs square shapes

The combination of design and neuroscience helps us understand how different shapes can in fact influence our moods, perceptions and behaviour. The contrast between round and square shapes can create an entirely different atmosphere within a space. Round shapes bring a sense of softness and fluidity, whereas square shapes create a more structured and grounded feel. When used together, they can create a balance that brings harmony to the eye.


Contrast - Colour

Contrast is a powerful tool, especially when it comes to choosing a colour palette. By contrasting colours, you can create a sense of depth that is both striking and visually appealing. Colour can draw one’s eye to specific areas, create a sense of hierarchy, and even evoke various emotions. Bold contrasts between light and dark tones can add drama and intrigue to a space, while contrasting warm and cool colours can create a sense of balance and harmony. Whether you're working with a monochromatic palette or incorporating a variety of hues, colour contrast is an essential element in creating a truly dynamic and beautiful interior.


Contrast - mixture of materials

Creating contrast by mixing materials is a popular technique to add a little interest. By combining materials such as wood and metal, or stone and glass, a unique texture or a beautiful colour contrast can be achieved. The juxtaposition (oooh I love this word!) of different materials can also emphasise certain features of a space or highlight a particular design element. From the timeless combination of leather and wood, to mixing metal accents with soft fabrics, the possibilities for creating a beautiful aesthetic are endless. For example, pairing a sleek, modern glass dining table with rustic wooden chairs creates a striking contrast that draws attention to both the table and the chairs. Overall, experimenting with material contrasts is a very effective way to elevate the visual appeal of your space, and can add a sense of rhythm.


Contrast - Mixed Metals

Have you ever noticed how adding the right metals to your space can make all the difference? A touch of brass here and there can add a bit of warmth, while a cool silver timepiece can add a hint of modern sophistication. Or, a shiny chrome lamp paired with rustic copper accents can create a beautiful balance between old and new. The contrast of metals can truly elevate your space, creating intrigue and visual interest.


Contrast - smooth vs rough textures

Contrasting smooth and rough textures can create a beautifully tactile experience that draws you in and brings a unique energy to the space. By incorporating smooth, sleek surfaces like glass or polished marble alongside rougher, more tactile elements such as exposed brick, concrete or natural wood, you can balance the aesthetic qualities of the space and create a harmonious atmosphere.


Contrast - light versus dark

Contrasting light shades can add depth and texture to a space, drawing the eye in and creating interest. Light colours on the walls, floors, and furniture can give a room a spacious and airy feel, while darker hues create a cosy and warm atmosphere. On the other hand, contrasting dark elements can give a space a dramatic and edgy feel. The key is to find the right balance between the two, whether it's by choosing a dark accent wall against a lighter neutral backdrop or by adding light accessories against a darker backdrop. By finding the right balance, you can create a stylish and well-balanced space that suits your personal taste.


Contrast - gloss vs matte finishes

High gloss and matte finishes are two options that can be used to create a beautiful contrast. High gloss finishes are shiny and reflective, while matte finishes are subdued and velvety (if that’s a descriptive word). These finishes can be used on walls, furniture, and even decorative accents, like vases or picture frames. When paired together, high gloss and matte finishes create a sophisticated look. Whether you prefer a sleek, modern look or a more traditional feel, incorporating contrasting finishes is an easy way to elevate your design.


Contrast - positive vs negative space

There is an art to creating a visually striking space through the use of positive and negative space. Positive space refers to the objects and elements within a room, while negative space is the empty space between those objects. To create contrast in your design, it is important to balance both types of space. By utilising positive space, you can draw attention to important elements and create a sense of warmth and intimacy. On the other hand, negative space can help to create a feeling of openness and tranquility in a space.


Contrast - mixing Different interior design styles

Interior design has come a long way from the days of strictly adhering to one particular style. Mixing different styles together can create a striking contrast that really adds an interesting twist. For example, combining rustic and modern elements can bring a sense of warmth and comfort, while still retaining a sleek and polished look. Similarly, blending classic and contemporary pieces can create a timeless elegance that never goes out of ‘fashion’. And, when done right, mixing interior design styles can elevate your living space to a whole new level of sophistication and style.


Contrast is one of the most powerful elements of design, allowing you to create an array of aesthetics. But, it is essential to use contrast correctly and ‘tastefully’ in order to get the desired effect. Don't just rely on a single element for contrast but instead, think about how one element complements or even clashes with another — this could be seen in contrasting scale and proportion, shapes, colours, materials and textures. Ultimately, blending contrasts can inspire any type of look that fits perfectly into your own style.

Elke Bretz