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Feng Shui - Bedroom Colours

Bedroom Colours - Feng Shui

Feng Shui colours can affect the energy and atmosphere in your most intimate space, your bedroom.

If you are looking to create a calming, harmonious retreat in your bedroom that connects with the energies of the world around you - consider applying the principles of Feng Shui.

Let’s explore how to select feng shui bedroom colours according to each element.


Feng Shui bedroom colours and their importance

The concept of Feng Shui colours can greatly affect the energy and atmosphere in your most intimate space, your bedroom. Feng Shui is a practice that originated from ancient China and has transcended through generations. It focuses on creating harmonious and balanced environments by arranging certain elements around us.

In the bedroom, the colours you choose can have a profound impact on your mood, emotions, and, ultimately, your well-being. To select stunning feng shui colours, start by considering the bagua map. This map divides the room into nine areas, each with its corresponding colour. For example, if you want to activate the area of Relationship and Love, a pink or red hue will bring this energy in. The bagua map is an excellent starting point for selecting feng shui bedroom colours, BUT there is another approach you can use as well - the five elements of feng shui.

According to this philosophy, colours are associated with specific elements and are believed to bring different energies into your space. By selecting the right colours, you can create positive flow, and this may help in improving your sleep, love life, and overall health.


Feng Shui Bedroom Colours and the Five Elements

In feng shui, the five elements - wood, fire, earth, metal, and water - play a significant role in determining the energy flow or chi in a space, so it is essential to be intentional with your choices. Each element has its own unique characteristics and is associated with a specific colour.

  • Wood relates to growth and vitality and is represented by the colour green.

  • Fire is associated with passion and energy and is represented by the colour red or orange.

  • Earth is related to stability and grounding and is represented by the colours yellow and brown.

  • Metal is associated with strength and clarity and is represented by the colours white and metallic.

  • Water represents fluidity and calmness and is represented by the colours blue and black.

By choosing colours from each element, you can create a harmonious space that feels relaxing and calming. For example, incorporating earthy tones such as beige and brown can help create a grounded feel, while blue and black hues can add a sense of tranquility associated with water. Adding pops of red or orange, representing the fire element, can add warmth and energy to the room, while metallic accents like silver or gold can bring a touch of elegance. Incorporating wooden elements like a headboard or nightstands can add natural warmth and texture. By combining colours from all five elements, you can design a bedroom that not only looks great but also helps you feel peaceful.


placement of furniture in the bedroom for best feng shui

The placement of furniture in your bedroom can greatly impact the feng shui of your space. To enhance the energy flow, it is important to consider the various elements at play. By taking the time to carefully consider your furniture placement, you can create a harmonious and balanced environment for rest and relaxation.

Here are some tips for placing furniture, decor and art in your bedroom for optimal feng shui:

  • The bed should be placed in a commanding position – make sure that it is not directly aligned with the door and that you can see the entrance to your bedroom when lying down. When positioning your bed, make sure that you have a solid wall behind it and that all four sides of the bed are equally supported. This will help promote a good night’s sleep and also protect you from negative energy entering your space.

  • Your wardrobe should be placed opposite the bed to help support a peaceful sleep. If you can't place them in this position, then make sure that both pieces of furniture are facing each other, as this will also promote good energy.

  • The ideal spot for a desk is on the left side of the room when entering it – this will help boost productivity and creativity. Make sure that it is not placed directly in front of the door, as this will block the free flow of energy.

  • Mirrors should be kept away from the bed and ideally placed on the right side of the room when entering it – this will help to deflect and dissolve negative energy.

  • Incorporating artwork into a Feng Shui-friendly bedroom is important. However, it’s essential to be selective of the art you choose to display. Avoid using paintings or photographs with harsh colours or intense expressions and opt for calming images instead that showcase nature or tranquility.

Furthermore, try to reduce the amount of electronics present. This includes TVs, computers and mobile phones that can emit energy and create disruption to restful sleep. And not to forget… empty space is essential for balance and creating a calming atmosphere. Open areas are meant to be filled with chi energy that helps create a peaceful environment. The space under your bed is one of the most important places to keep clutter-free. Incorporating elements such as natural light and greenery can further enhance the positive energy in your bedroom. Plants are great for creating positive energy and should ideally be placed on the right side of the room when entering it.

With some thoughtful consideration and planning, deciding which colours to use for walls, furniture, and accents can be a fun and exciting process. Start by examining your personal style and taste, as well as the mood you want to create in the space. Play around with colour schemes and patterns to determine what complements your furniture and decor. You should also take into consideration the room’s lighting and size, as colours can affect the perception of these factors.


In conclusion, understanding the art of feng shui and how to use colour can make all the difference in bringing harmony and balance into your bedroom. By selecting the correct Feng Shui bedroom colours based on these elements, you can create a restful and inviting space that energises and refreshes both body and mind while providing a sense of well-being. While decorating is ultimately a matter of personal preference, these principles serve as an excellent base of reference for anyone looking to ensure their bedroom oasis lives up to its true potential as a restorative sanctuary.

With patience and understanding, you can fully incorporate feng shui into both the aesthetics and energy of your bedroom, creating an environment perfect for relaxation & comfort.


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